Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Loopty "Loo"

So, I've not pooped in two full days and I was due. I get situated for a little stay with my magazine and content for Colin to self-manage and come and go if he can stand the stench. 

He interrupts: 
Colin:  Mom, I have to poop. 
Me:  Well, I'm already pooping. 
Colin:  Can you get off?
Me:  Can you go to the other bathroom? 
Colin:  I need your help to wipe.
Me:  By the time you're finished I'll be finished. 
Colin:  Mom (dancing) I have to poop right now. 
Me:  Okay, I'm moving. Give me a second....

I do necessary cleaning to "move" to the other potty. Colin settles, I settle again on the other potty and we're content. Then I hear...

Colin:  I'm dooooonnnnneee!
Me:  I'm noooooootttttt!
Colin:  Are you coming Mom?
Me:  Be right there. 

I do the necessary cleaning to "move" again and to wipe the other bottom. I do, I sit again on a very warm seat and finish my job. I tell you, a good poop is hard to beat even if you're interrupted three times. 

Here we go loopty "loo", here we go loopty ly, Here we go loopty "loo", all on a Tuesday night



Andi and Michael said...

Wow. That is a funny but very realistic summary of life as a mom. We can't even poop without interruption. Glad it all came out okay :-)

Heidi said...

Okay - I laughed for about 5 minutes on this one. Seriously, what parent can't identify with this?

Is it too much to ask that you be allowed to "drop the brownies off at the pool" in peace?

Happy to hear that the drop off was successful. Wishing you smoother drops in the future!

Kristi said...

Love it!

Man, that boy sure softened you up... only Colin could make you get off the potty! TWICE! :o)

Kirsten Marie said...

You really are hysterical...I love poop stories :)

Brazenlilly said...

Wow. KT told me you tell some good stories, but that one was something special. I feel very close to you right now.

The McKays said...

too funny!

stacey said...

Only You...could write about poop and get away with it! So, was there a Post-Poop Pee?
Love Ya,