Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pulling and Plucking while Puling

I've said, "I'm going to grow old gracefully." I'm not even sure what that means but it sounds like something you should say, so I do. However, lately, I've been plucking and pulling hairs out of my head like a mad woman and I'm not sure this is graceful. I'm pretty sure this falls under disgraceful. I used to couldn't find a gray hair. I had to really look and the light had to catch it just right but the time of that luxury has passed. Now, I don't have to "look" they just scream, "See me? Here I am." And then I go to pull it out but my eyes are going and the light is bad and I pull a brown hair out instead and the gray one continues to sneer at me with great satisfaction. I sneer back with contempt and pull hairs until I find it. And the plucking? What the crap? I used to only pluck my brows once in a while but now, I can't keep up. I've resorted to carrying around tweezers in my purse because the only time I can really see the little buggers is in daylight using the car's vanity mirror. Vanity for sure. And let's not even mention the three little whiskers on my chinny chin chin that will not give up. They keep coming back like a reoccurring zit during PMS. I'm just waiting for the hair to show up in my ears. This will be a very very very disgraceful day, I promise!

I'm going to grow old DISGRACEFULLY. I'm resigned. 

pule (pul) v.i.  puled, puling, to whine


Breanne said...

LOL - well, I am in the gray boat with you. I puck them out then they grow back and they stand straight up. and I have always had to wax my eybrows or they will take up haf my face!

Jennifer and Michael said...

Ok, so I don't have grey hair...yet, but I also have the three man hairs that are growing out of my chin. What the heck is up with that? I used to worry about turning into my mother, but now I am more worried about turning into my father. I am with you, I am not going down without a fight.

Brad and Tammy said...

Pluck Woman! Pluck until you can pluck no more! Then after you are plucking, color. Color woman! Color until you can color more. Then face facts and go gray.

Andi and Michael said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of growing old. I will be the first to admit that I will NOT grow old gracefully. While I will not (at this time at least) delve into the world of face lifts, I will totally delve into the world of hair color, dermatology, and excessive use of moisturizer. I will not go down without a fight. Bring it on!!

Jenn B said...

Amen on the eyebrows, girl! I think I'll start carrying my tweezers around to. (I thought I was the only one who idled in the driveway while cleaning up the brows! Better go do that right now as a matter of fact!)