Monday, October 20, 2008

Crayons and Monkeys

Colin:  Mom, I need a crayon. 
Me:  For what? 
Colin:  To stick in my ear.
Me:  What? 
Colin:  To stick in my ear. 
Me:  You can't stick a crayon in your ear. 
Colin:  Curious George did. 
Me:  Well, "Curious George does things you can't do."
Colin:  But I want to. 
Me:  You can't stick anything in your ear except your elbow. 
Colin:  Then can I have some paper and colors? 
Me:  To color with?
Colin:  Yes
Me:  If I find you with a crayon in your ear I'll take away your Game Boy for a week.
Colin:  A week? 
Me:  That's seven days.
Colin:  That's a lot of days. 
Me:  You can't stick anything in your ear, espcially a crayon and I mean it. 
Colin:  thinking... then hangs his head, pouts for a second, and abandons his idea. 

What the crap is Curious George teaching my kid??!!!


Diane Davis said...

Oh my gosh, this is so funny. Those darn monkeys!

Kim and JD said...

He is teaching him thinhs he isnt supposed to do.... :) Tanner says all the time- Curious George does things I cant do and he gets in trooouuubbbllleee !
But its better than Spongebob!

Breanne said...

LOL - too funny.

I had to take my daughter to the ER bc she had a pea stuck up her nose. The nurse told me they get more kids with objects in there ears and noses.

Andi and Michael said...

You have to admire his persistence and creativity.

JMBMOMMY said...

LOL! Curious George is a fav from my husband's childhood....and I have never been convinced :)

Steve Cuss said...

Ok, seriously, my Mum gave me the "nothing smaller than an elbow" line and I gotta say, I'm not buying it. in fact, I'm typing one handed right now and enjoying cleaning out some wax with a pinky. nothing you can do about it Celeste....

Kristi said...

You need to highlight the portion of the show where it says "Curious George is a monkey and he does things that we can't do...."

Precious Colin. :)

Heidi said...

That's awesome. I think it's so funny that kids think we don't know they're up to. Their transparency just cracks me up!

At least Curious George is better than Spongebob!

Jennifer and Michael said...

You have to love it when you can actually get a glimpse of what is going on in those precious little brains of theirs!!! That is adorable and VERY smart!!!

Jenn B said...

Remember the little beads on the tables at the RP staff Christmas party last year?? Lizzie stuck one up her nose the day of the party so far that you could just barely see it. Who knows where she got that idea?! Good thing she knew how to blow her nose well or we'd have been at the doctor!

The McKays said...

it's amazing how the most "innocent" of shows still can have moments where we as moms think, "wait a minute!" i like your creative response about the elbow. :)