Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No Longer a Virgin - I've Been Sprinkled

My friend Jo Anna is one of a kind. She is the mother of five kids that she loves dearly but drive her crazy and give her great stories to share and make us all laugh. She's the one that will volunteer to drive anywhere and take as many in her car as want to fit. She's the organizer of "field trips" to various places just for fun, to create a memory, to share a good time with good friends. She is a great photographer, an avid Dodger fan and I think she's fabulous! Today she planned a trip to Sprinkles Cupcakes. 

Sprinkles is located in the heart of Beverly Hills. So a group of us went and I had high hopes that were not disappointed. I've had these famous cupcakes but haven't been to the store until today. There's something magical about going to the store. Sort of like the first time you step foot into a Krispy Kreme with the "hot" light on. It's impossible to describe how wonderful a hot Krispy Kreme is until you try one right out of the icing-fall. Anticipating that the Sprinkles Cupcakes would be a very similar experience I couldn't wait to get there. We walked in the door and there they were: little paper pockets of pure sin all lined in rows waiting for us to take them home. I understand why they keep their daily choices to approximately 10 or a person would never be able to complete an order. Let me just tell you this: These ain't your mamma's cupcakes.... these are little pieces of heaven that will have you praying that all the calories in these mounds of confection perfection will miraculously somehow stick to those skinny-ass hips prancing around Beverly Hills and not your own. 

So there it is, I'm no longer a virgin, I've been Sprinkled. I highly recommend it. Worth every calorie you smell and swallow. Fantastic. Thanks Jo Anna.


Andi and Michael said...

Decadent. Rich. Oh, so yummy. Must have another soon. They are worth the points!

Jenn B said...

OK. I am SO mad that I didn't think to call/text one of you to have you bring me home a red velvet!!! Especially after my reason for cancelling - toe "surgery" by the Podiatrist. It really WAS an ingrown!!! Grrrr!!

Phillips Family said...

OOOOOO.....i've been wondering about those cupcakes. I'm gonna have to try one some day.

Breanne said...

Oh - I am jealous. Those look so yummy!! There is a place like that in Dallas but I hear Sprinkles aer the best.

Kirsten Marie said...

You truly crack me up. :)

The McKays said...

your title was the best part. hooray for your first taste. i love the lemon (very subtle) and choco banana (again, a subtle banana flavor). hope you can go more and more!