Friday, September 26, 2008

Diagonal Crossing

Can you say brilliant? When I walked through this it felt like the first time I drove around a round about. Amazed at the beauty of perfect thinking. I said, "Who thought of this?" So simple. So perfect. Can we put one on every busy corner? This is one of the Brighton corners.

In 1987, the City of Beverly Hills modified traffic signals at eight intersections within the Business Triangle to include an exclusive pedestrian phase where all approaches would stop to let pedestrians cross the intersection either diagonally or conventionally. The intersections included:

Brighton and Canon
Brighton and Beverly
Brighton and Rodeo
Brighton and Camden
Brighton and Bedford
Dayton and Canon
Dayton and Beverly
Dayton and Rodeo


Phillips Family said...

where is this?

Kristi said...

Yes please.

Diane Davis said...

they have them here in china town. i agree, very cool idea.

j-bird said...

They have these in China. I have seen/used them in Shanghai and Beijing, I think - very cool indeed. I was recently in Denver, and I think they have some downtown there too.

Steve Cuss said...

Hmmm. The Aussies are ahead of the game again here.

Not to brag....actually, to brag, we had these when I was growing up - every major city intersection had a pedestrian only time.

It was special time for the little people who weren't old enough to drive. it was like our own mini revolution every time the white walk figure came on. It rocked.