Monday, September 8, 2008

The Lizard Rescue

You've seen a picture of my backyard (it's at the top of the blog now) so you know we back up to a golf course where lots of little critters are known to hang out. Lizards are among one of the plentiful creatures, Tumbleweed (our cat) is so pleased. I'm from the New Mexico desert so I'm not phased by lizards at all, have been known to catch them and play with them, watch them but mostly try save them from Tumbleweed if they're not too far gone. Tweed and I have been together over 13 years, that's LOTS of lizards. Remind me to tell you about the bunny rabbit some day (holy crap). 

Anyway, while walking down the hallway, I saw this little guy. He wasn't running and I wasn't sure if he was alive. So I picked him up by the tail and got a better look and then he started to wiggle a little. I didn't want him to lose his tail and have to grow another all because of me so I put him back down. I couldn't decide if Tumbles had brought him in earlier and I missed it, if he came in on his own and had been trapped for a few days, or what but he had very little fight in him. So, I thought, let's see what Tweed thinks. Called for the cat, he came (he's really more like a dog in cat's fur). Had him check out the lizard, he batted it a few times and the lizard gave the same response of non-interest that he had given me. So decided best to gather him and take him outside. If it was going to die, I didn't want it to die in the house. 

Then Colin got in on the action. He volunteered to kill it in a duel of Sword vs Tail, but again the lizard declined the invitation of flight or fight. He was content for me to just escort him to freedom. Which I did. Later I checked on my place of deposit and he was gone. One more lizard saved. Or eaten by a bird ... guess we'll never know.


Andi and Michael said...

Love the picture - Colin's expression is priceless! Can't believe the little lizard didn't want to fight it out. Guess it was content in whatever situation life dealt it. You must tell the bunny story someday.

Kim and JD said...

you are brave... I wouldnt touch it , yuck yuck, I hate critters !!!
I agree you MUST tell the bunny story. It is so much better in person, but I think you could do it justice in writing.

Breanne said...

Hi Celeste! Been a long time. I am reading through the blog and it is too funny. How cute is Colin!

Hope yall are doing well.

Jenn B said...

You do have a lovely back yard, which Chris and Asher passed on Saturday afternoon. Lucky they didn't break one of your windows!