Wednesday, March 4, 2009

MOM! You made me.....

Is it just my kid or do all kids do this around this age? Colin has started blaming me for everything that isn't exactly like he thinks it should be. His favorite line is "Mom, you almost made me...." or "Mom, you made me...." fill in the blank. Here are some classic examples of late, like the last 24 hours: 

In the bathtub, I turn him around to finish washing him and he steps on one of his toys in the bathtub. "Mom! You made me hurt my foot." 

While helping him get dressed on the bed he loses his balance cuz it's bouncy. I actually catch the child from falling and he says, "Mom! You almost made me fall." 

On the way to the car, it's raining. We get in the car as I'm helping him buckle his seat belt, the door is open, the door is getting wet (so am I btw). I close the door, get in and he says, "Mom, look at this, you made the door wet." 

I could be in another room and I'm sure it would be my fault that something happened or almost happened. I'm completely fed up with it. After the little rain comment. I turned around and said with force. "Colin, I did not make anything wet. It's raining outside for crying out loud. The rain coming out of the sky is not my doing. I had nothing to do with the door being wet. But here's what I did do. I got you up this morning. I made sure you wore clothes appropriate for today's weather. I put a jacket on your head so you wouldn't get wet. I made your lunch today so you wouldn't go hungry. I'm taking you to school so you can learn something and be intelligent. I'm going to help you all day. That's what I will do and make happen. Learn the difference before you drive me crazy!" .....

hmmm, wonder where he gets it? 


Heidi said...

You're awesome.

You made me late for dinner because I was reading your blog.

dina said...

My 12 year old son comes home from school all the time and says, "The teacher got me in trouble today!" No, the teacher did NOT "get" you in trouble. You were doing something wrong, she caught you and YOU got in trouble. I am still working on breaking him of this little semantical LIE!

Brazenlilly said...

Hmmmm...I'm thinking you are screwed when he becomes a teenager.

Kim and JD said...

LOL- I was CRACKING up at that. Yes all kids do it and I dont understand. I always tell Tyler " Good grief take some responsibility for something?"The best part is that I totally pictured you snapping your head around with your serious Momma Celetse look and tone, saying all of that, that was even funnier. I could almost say what I thought you would have said before I even read it :-)

Kristi said...

I plan on stealing your speech next time Haley says that to me. Well done. :)

Jenn B said...

Human nature - blame someone else!