Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Cello Vitamin

My son has been taking Flinstones vitamins for a long time. For the same length of time he has called them "Cello Vitamins".  I don't know why. I never asked. You know how your kids name things and you just roll with it cuz it's cute. 

Well tonight, he reminds me, "Don't forget the Cello vitamin." I don't, I set it in front of him on the side of the bathtub (we always take them at bath-time, so we don't forget). He looks at it. Really looks at it and then says, "These aren't violins. These are people." I said, "I know, they're the Flinstones." He said, "The what?" "The Flinstones." pause for crinkle in forehead "Who are they?" 


Two sad things: 
1. He won't call them cello vitamins any more. 
2. He has no idea who the Flinstones are because they are OLD like me. 


Brazenlilly said...

Ha! For some reason this totally tickled my funny bone. His realization just cracks me up! I wonder if he is disappointed to know they resemble something(one) he is not at all familiar with. Also, that he knows what a cello is impresses me.

Billy and Laurel said...

Ha Ha! Okay. I have to admit...I didn't read it as "cello" but as in "cellophane". Oops! Brilliant that he knows what a cello is...


Gloria Furman said...

The fact that your son knows the word 'cello' is impressive to me.

I do grieve with you that he will never yell "Yabba dabba doo" across the playground. Or holler "Wilmaaaa!" down the stairs.

Heidi said...

That was really funny... How did he know what a cello was? I'm quite impressed. I love the words that kids assign to things. And you're totally right - it's sad when they stop doing that. But he'll replace that funnyism with something else, I'm sure! :)

dina said...

Good news! Walker (12 years old now) found the Flinstones at a friend's house on the Boomerang channel. He has bought several episodes for his iPod touch and watches them over and over again. See! They are still cool! This somehow makes me feel less old.