Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm Thinkin'....

When we first moved into this house I hung Colin's mirror at his level. Now when I walk by I catch nothing but thigh but he sees his face. It's fun to watch him check himself out, look at his clothes, he really likes to look at himself in his underwear (guy thing?). Anyway, just now I told him it's time to get in the bath. So, there he is, looking at himself, really looking at himself. I said, "What are you doin'?" He says, without looking away from himself with a little grin, "I'm thinking, I'm cute." ....seriously!


The McKays said...


i love what he said below, too, about the toot. i have to read aron that one because he will totally laugh...that kind of humor is right up his alley. i do fear for maggie's future! :)

Kim and JD said...

That is hilarious!

dina said...

Now that is precious! Tell him he's right, by the way. He IS cute!!!

chantyiam said...

I'm thinkin' he's right! (And he's hella funny just like his Aunt CHANNY!!! :) :) :)