Friday, August 15, 2008

The Great Water Battle

It's innate. Born in them. They just know. To fight. To protect. To battle. To explore. To adventure. Boys need no teacher. They just know and every time I get a demonstration of it I marvel. I love that I have a boy. I'm a girl and grew up with a bunch of sisters so watching a boy be a boy makes me laugh out loud with joy. 

Colin is a warrior. He is enamored with super heros, the bad and the good, weapons, fighting and battles. Everything can be a gun or a sword. Action figures are cool. The latest spy gear toys fished from the endless McDonald's happy meal plastic river of paraphernalia is high on his list of cool things that have to be in the "take with us" bag. If we go to Disneyland he wants a gun or "light saver" from the Star Wars collection. The child has only seen 15 minutes of one of the six episodes. He has no idea who any of these people are or he at least didn't until we went to the Jedi Training Class in Tomorrowland. Now he's very aware of Darth, Storm Troopers, Jedi Knights, and that ugly red and black dude. Thank you Disney. Thank you very much! UGGG! Anyway he wants the gear so he can shoot bad guys. Just the other day I said in my rare sweet tone, "Get in the car baby, we need to go." He retorted with great authority, "I'm not a "baby",  I'm a super hero!" Of course you are, let me rephrase, "Get in the car super hero!" 

Anyway, this latest trip to Disneyland I watched my son fight a battle. He was extremely serious about this battle and at the same time I watched the element of surprise cause great glee. He fought, chopped, karate kicked, stabbed, sliced, and destroyed the spitting water fountain in the bug's life section of California Adventure. The water became the enemy and he was there to fight. It was a water battle as ferrous as a white squall. 

Take that!
And That!
I Fight Water!


Jennifer and Michael said...

Don't you just love boys!!!! They are awesome and Colin is no exception. You keep fighting those battles "warrior man." I love it because Micah has always felt, from very little, that his main job in this life is as a warrior to protect and defend the lilies (girls). You are right, they need no teaching or encouragement. Anyone who says boys and girls are born "gender-neutral" has never had or been around either. Love you girl and miss ya.

Diane Davis said...

your boy is getting big! i feel like he's grown since your blog entires just a few months ago.

Kristi said...

I wanna come to the next water battle. Call me.

Kim and JD said...

He is quite the little warrior. I love his look of " Me warrior, you water I have conquered you"
He is so sweet and Tanner misses him. Sorry we didnt call on his Birthday, got caught up in business. He will have a package coming soon. Love you all.