Saturday, June 7, 2008

We're Back!

Finally....moved in! Sorry for the lack of story on the blog. It's a sure fire way to lose your reading fans. But I promise not to disappoint. There have a been a few things happening around here that's sure to get a little laugh. 

Here's a fun story for you. So, at the house we lived in in Murphy TX we had our computer airport on one story and the computer on another. Remember this was a BIG house. So the computer had this little antenna so we could be "wireless". Well, when we moved, everything got packed away in a box, usually in it's original box if we still had it and we did because we don't ever throw out the boxes for anything that falls in the "electrical" category, that includes my Kitchen Aid's ridiculous. But because apparently we like to move, it's easier to move the stuff if you can pack it back in it's original box and even though you have to always have a place to put all those said boxes it's really worth it. And you can't flatten the boxes because they also have their original packing materials that usually consists of styrofoam molds. Therefore, we could build a small city with these boxes. Uggg! Can you tell I'm not happy with boxes right now? 

Anyway, the antenna got packed in Texas in May of 2007. Now this antenna is little. It's a very important piece of the computer when you need it and you have to pack it carefully so it won't break and it could easily get lost if you packed it too well in bubble wrap or newsprint or paper towels or toilet paper even. Easy to throw away if you're not looking for it or if you might not know it's there or if it didn't get in the box it should've or any number of scenarios like that. But when we got to the first house in CA on Lamplighter Street we didn't need the wireless set up so we didn't need the antenna. Supposedly, the antenna stayed packed in a "computer" box. Right. 

So we get to the house on Texas Ave. And because it's one story (praise God!) and everything is spread out, we are in need of the wireless set up again. So I plan for the internet to be up and running in the first 24 hours we live here so I can get on-line, get e-mail, blog a story or two, etc. BUT, until we find the antenna, in a box, in the garage, somewhere, we can't get service. 

Backstory, when we lived in Texas, not on Texas but IN Texas, the computer was far far away from my day to day life. I would have to go down a hall, up stairs, down a hall around a corner, down a hall into a bedroom to get to the computer. My child was LITTLE and I didn't like leaving him for any amount of time just to check e-mail. So JD made me promise to go up there at least once a week and check e-mail and stay connected. I did my best. 

Then we move to CA where the house is small enough that you can hear each other breathe no matter where you might be in the house. The computer then was in my day to day operation. I became pretty good at checking e-mail and even started the blog and therefore was on at least once a day if not more. I became addicted to it. So when we get to the Texas house and I'm without internet for a whole week, I'm going through withdrawals and I'm finding myself NEEDING to get online and connect with the outside world. And JD's solution to my withdrawal is to say, "If we just find the antenna out there somewhere, we could get you online." Uggg!

JD finally realizes that he nor I are going to get out in the garage and go through each and every "empty" box hoping to find the precious antenna. He wisely orders a new one. I thought we were talking 100s of dollars. No, just $30 or so. At that price let's order two! So, yeah, the antenna is on the way. In the meantime, I'm still unconnected. 

Then, I kid you not, this happened. I'm sitting in the floor, watching news or something, rolling coins that had accumulated and got moved so I could take them to the bank and JD is messing around on his laptop and he says to me, "Sugie, you have 100 unread e-mails. Do you want to read them?" Stop....Process....WHAT?! Are you telling me I could've been reading my e-mail all along!? For the love of all that's Holy. Really? You can get online? Really? And you didn't tell me? Really! Now, I'm just pissed but desperate to reconnect. I start going through my e-mails one by one. Granted there's a lot of just junk but there were some important things too. For example: 
A meeting that I should've known about. 
A birthday party
A baby shower
A credit card statement

Unbelievable. So, later that day when I checked the postage, there was a little box in the box. Even though it was addressed to my husband, I assumed it was the long awaited antenna and I was going to open it. I did, it was, I installed the thing myself and now I'm back. We're back! Hurray!


Anonymous said...


I finally found the time to sit and look at your blog. I loved all the pictures, and Gideon enjoyed looking at the pictures of Colin.


Kim and JD said...

We are glad you are in your new "Texas" home even though it is in California. I am very happy that you are back on line with us, I do know what you mean about the withdrawals. Sometimes working at home, the internet is my only connection to the outside world and I look forward to getting and sending emails and blogging !

Andi and Michael said...

Glad to have you back, girl! I've missed your postings. Now I know to check every piece of bubble wrap, tissu, newsprint, packing paper, etc when we get to the Indian Hills house :-)

Kristi said...

I'm so glad. I was in total withdrawls.

and p.s. we're moving this week too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cês!!!!!
I had no idea you had this blog going on. It's a way we can shortten this HUGE distance between us. Loved to read from you and to see the pictures of Colin. He's grown sooooooo much!! I'm in a hurry right now, but just passed by to say that I LOVE YOU and MISS you, too!! Your sister from Brazil,


Man among many women... said...

Nice blog Celeste.... If I only knew you and those silly Crumrines were bloggers.... hope to hear more from you.

Man among many women... said...

BTW, it's Jim Brown from TX! Miss you guys...

Rachel Maples said...

So glad your back, I figured with the move you'd be down for a while but it seemed like forever and I missed you. Post pics of the new place when you get a chance. K

Jennifer and Michael said...

SO, SO, SO glad you are back. I missed you!