Tuesday, April 7, 2009


JD and Colin and I were sitting outside at Golden Spoon. GS is this wonderful frozen yogurt place that we should buy stock in. Anyway, as we were sitting there enjoying our treat a bird flew overhead and sent down a gift to splat on our table. It took several seconds for us to register what just took place. Colin finally broke the silence. 
Colin: What is that? 
Me: Bird poop.
Colin: Where did it come from? 
JD: A bird pooped. 
Colin: On the table?!
Me: It pooped as it flew over. Be glad it didn't land our our heads. 
Colin: That's what birds do? ...They just poop! ....Anywhere they want?!
Me: Yep, that's what birds do. 

The next day or so Colin reviews that with me. "Mom, remember that bird that just pooped on the table at Golden Spoon?" "Yes. I remember." Then he says as he shakes his head back and forth in disbelief, "Birds!" 

By the way, the birds are back in our classroom. Only not Rocket. Apparently, the little kids knocked over the cage while it was outside and Rocket flew the coop. So now we have Patrick and Ricky. Who names these birds!? 
With 2 hamsters, 2 birds, 23 kids and a turtle I'm going to change my title to zoo-keeper.


The O'Laughlins said...

"Birds" My sentiments exactly every time I go out to the boat. Dogs and birds the world is a bathroom. We read your blog daily. We miss you.

The O'Laughin

Brazenlilly said...

I wonder if he was saying it with just a touch of jealousy.